Home Automation

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Home Automation

We are living in the world of automation where most of the systems are getting automated, such as industrial automation, homes and other business sectors. Home automation systems are advancement to the mechanization processes wherein human efforts are needed with the machinery equipment to operate various loads in homes. It involves automatic controlling of home appliances using different technologies and controllers over desktops, laptops smartphones or tablets.

This system is mainly implemented by sensors, controlling devices and actuators as shown in the figure. The sensors detect light, motion, temperature and other sensing elements, and then send that data to the main controlling devices. These sensors can be thermocouples or thermistors, photodetectors, level sensors, pressure sensors, current transformers, IR sensors, etc., which need additional signal conditioning equipment to communicate with the main controller.

Types of Home Automation Systems

Implementation of home automation depends on the type of controls like wired or wireless. There are mainly three types of home automation systems:

  • Power line Based Home Automation
  • Wired or BUS Cable Home Automation
  • Wireless Home Automation